Late bloomer

So I had all but given up on my beans and a while ago I pulled them all up, except the purple runners. They seemed like they wanted to flower a little bit more so I left them to their own devices. Today as I went to plant my new rosemary plant, I realised I had a dozen or so purple beans growing!! They don’t look quite ready to eat so hopefully they get bigger before the winter really arrives. I did try one and I have to admit it wasn’t that tasty…

Late Bloomer!

New rosemary

My chili plant is still going strong and we have had bags of chili from it! By basil plants are huge now and going strong too, the celery still has lots of leaves but the stems have never fattened up. It will be good for soups in winter I think.   The mint is ok but i had to do some serious pruning today. It is definitely time for some new plants so I have to read up on what to plant and if my plan of beetroot, carrot and spinach is ok.

And now… seeing as I dont really have much garden news as i am yet to get around to my autumn garden projects here are some pictures of my neighbours flowers:

so watch this space for the autumn garden!

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